Every design has its own story behind it...
Our products will bring memorable moments of your stay in Taiwan.
Featured products
Our service
Art Workshop
Design Stories offers varieties of art workshops for kids and adults in Taipei.
Our products
Design Stories produces and designs cards and variesies of gifts in Taipei.
Custom order
We offer custom design services.
We also welcome requests for the production of original or collaborative products.
Customer Voices
The Perfect Taiwanese Souvenir
I was looking for something unique to take home from Taiwan, and I found exactly that at Design Stories. Their products capture the essence of Taiwan in such a charming and artistic way. The hand-drawn illustrations and soft color palettes make each item feel special. I’ll definitely be buying more! -M.Lee
Perfect for Gifting!
I bought beautiful tea towels from Design Stories, and they made the perfect gifts! They come in a variety of unique designs, and they are easy to bring home!
I also love their Christmas ornaments and cards. I pick one up every year at a Christmas market as a special keepsake from Taiwan. Their products are high-quality, and thoughtfully designed, and I always look forward to discovering new ones!
— D.R -
ギフトにもとても喜ばれるので何度もティータオルやコットンバッグ、カードなどを購入しています。品質も高く、長く使えそうです。また、日本に帰っても台湾を思い出しながら使える素敵なデザインです! -Y.K様 -
台湾駐在の思い出に、Taiwan A-Zの額装の絵をご購入させていただきました。家族の思い出が色々詰まったモチーフが描かれており、見るたびに楽しい気持ちになります。また、住んでいた住所のマグネットやクリスマスオーナメントなど、ここでしか買えない素敵な商品も集めました。一ファンとしてこれからも楽しみに、応援しています! -S.E様
Coming soon!
帰国して購入して来たものをテーブルに並べて,(素敵なものばかり)幸せな気持ちでいたところ…アレ?来好で購入した物に共通点を感じ発売元を見たところその全てがDesign Storisさんのものである事がわかりました。色使いと、イラストの線が美しいところに心を奪われました。これからも素敵なものを沢山発信してください! -Cherry様 -
A Special Keepsake from My Time in Taiwan
To remember my time living in Taiwan, I got the Taiwan A-Z framed artwork from Design Stories. It’s filled with little details that bring back so many great family memories, and every time I look at it, it makes me happy.
I also picked up some unique finds, like a magnet with my old address and Christmas ornaments—things I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else.
I’m a big fan and can’t wait to see what’s next. Keep up the amazing work!
— A happy customer! -
Coming soon